Mekatronik-2012-2013-GİRİŞLİLER-İÇİN-DERS-İÇERİĞİ.pdf | Mekatronik-2014-GİRİŞLİLER-İÇİN-DERS-İÇERİĞ -- .pdf |
Mechatronics; It is a discipline that has emerged in recent years regarding the application of electronic, machine, control and computer / software technologies in a synergy and the design, production, installation and maintenance of engineering systems and technological products.
All machines, devices and systems are a mechatronic system, consisting of mechanical and electronic components, sensing the data from the surrounding environment with the help of sensors (sensors), interpreting this data with the control hardware (microprocessors) and software in its memory and taking the necessary decisions, with the drive elements (actuator) giving the necessary reactions. Mechatronic design philosophy is applied, especially in high-tech smart machines and systems. The leading application areas of mechatronics are:
Computer aided machines (NC, CNC, AC),
System Integration,
Automotive Industry (ABS brake systems),
Micro Systems (MEMS),
Robots (Flying / Micro / Traveling),
Industrial Automation (Barcode systems, production tape devices),
Computer Aided Design, Modeling and Production (CAD, CAM),
Intelligent Control Systems (Pressure, temperature, weight, noise, vibration etc.),
Industrial Robot Arms (Welding and carrying)
Mechatronics program was established in 2011.